If you’ve used a plan manager in your current plan, then you already have funding for plan management. You don’t need to contact the NDIS or your LAC as there’s nothing they need to update or amend. It’s as simple as choosing a NDIS plan management provider that you want to use.
Not all plan managers the same and no two individuals are the same. You’ll want to find a plan manager that suits your needs and expectations depending on what’s most important to you. Fast payments, NDIS knowledge and advice, online tools, and being quick to respond to enquiries, are just some of the reasons people choose Iconic Care Plan Managers.
If you’re realising self-management or agency managed isn’t for you, or want to combine management types for parts of your plan, then you can request a ‘light touch review’ to have plan management included and funded in your NDIS plan.
This depends on your current plan manager and the service agreement you have with them. Generally, there will be a notice period that will need to be served out. We will work together with your current plan manager to ensure the smoothest transition.